Search Results
Angela Zivkovic on HDL, APOE genotype, and Alzheimer's Disease: importance of particle count
Neurological Genomics Assessment and Therapeutics - Looking Beyond APOE
"APOE Gene Locus in Healthy Aging: from 1D Genetics to 3D Genomics" by Chang-En Yu
New research could change the way doctors look at HDL cholesterol
Lipoprotein Transport of Extracellular RNA - Kasey Vickers
Lipids of brain-derived EVs in Alzheimer's disease: Huaqi Kate Su presents with Hill, Vella and Reid
Improving the efficacy of mApoE-targeted liposomes by MMP2-controlled drug release in GBM
Tânia Martins Marques: Connexin 43-mediated sorting of miRNAs into EVs (w/Carlos Jesus/SNEV)
New treatment for Alzheimer's disease shows promising results
A Perspective From Industry - A Conversation With Richard S. Geary, Ph.D.